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Halliwell Encyclopedia

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Aurelia Matthews & Aurora Matthews
: Born with Paige as a mother and Henry as a father these twin girls had all the love in the world, especially with such a powerful family. Yet, from the day they were born were they trouble. Known affectionately as “the trouble twins” they make it their mission to stir up any situation they’re involved in. Both of the twins inherited their grandfather’s bright blue eyes which Paige sees as a blessing since she and Sam have gotten very close over the years.

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Charlotte Warren
: Charlotte is the first of the Warren line. She was a part of a colonial witch’s coven that acknowledged the power that her daughter, Melinda Warren, would possess. At the time she was in labor, a woman who wished to have Melinda's power for herself kidnapped her, but The Charmed Ones of the future were transported back in time to save her. The three sisters are descendants of Melinda and Charlotte, and Piper helped to bring Melinda into the world.

Chris Perry Halliwell
: Chris was the second son of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt. During the time when Piper and Leo separated (when Leo was promoted to becoming an elder) the couple accidentally traveled to the ghostly plane. It was here that, after discussing their true feelings for one another, they conceived Chris. Unfortunately, in an alternate future Chris was raised by his grandfather, Victor Bennett (who later developed a smoking-related illness that may have killed him), after his mother, Piper Halliwell, died when he was 14. Furthermore, Chris had to deal with the fact that his elder brother, Wyatt, had become evil and was responsible for the death of Chris' fianceé, Bianca, and his aunt Phoebe Halliwell. Fortunately, Chris traveled back in time, to before Wyatt turned evil and managed to save his family. He is kind, humorous (although somewhat neurotic; he notes that Wyatt's multitude of powers has left him with an "inferiority complex"), and believes that family should always come first. Chris was named after Leo's father, Christopher, but his middle name is unknown of it's origin.

Cole Turner
: His mother was a demon and his father a human. Cole's mother killed Benjamin, Cole's father, when Cole was very young. Cole's demon form is Belthazor.

Connor Halliwell
: Although unprophesized Phoebe and Coop were blessed with two more daughters. Taking after her favorite Aunt Piper, this middle child of the Halliwell-Coop family often finds herself in the middle of her older and younger sister's battles. She enjoys to cook just like her Aunt Piper as well.

: Coop is a Cupid that was sent by the Elders to help Phoebe with her love life. Just like many other Cupids, he has a magic ring; the one he owns allows him to travel through time. He can also teleport and is able to sense everything about a person's love life (heartbreaks, likes, dislikes, etc). He fell in love with Phoebe, they married and had three girls.

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Henry Mitchell
: Henry is a patrol officer that, just like the Charmed Ones, works to keep the world free from evil. Paige trusted him with her secret and he, even though quite surprised, accepted her -powers and all. Paige and Henry married and had a boy and twin girls.

Henry Jr. Mitchell
: The youngest of the Halliwell-Mitchell clan, yet still a very important member of the family. Being the only boy from Henry and Paige he sure does get a lot of attention. Not as much of a troublemaker as his sisters yet, but all in time. Every kid has their fits.

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Leo Wyatt
: Leo died in the World War II, but because of his kindness and compassion towards others he became a whitelighter. Due to events related to the Avatars, Leo lost his whitelighter abilities and is currently human.

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Madison Haliwell
:With her husband Coop, Phoebe conceived a daughter a few years after the birth of her nephew Christopher Halliwell. As the oldest daughter she had gotten the nickname as "Ladybug". She attended a local elementary school, alongside her two cousins, Wyatt and Chris, who often teased her by playing on her mild fear of demons.

Mary Warren

Mary Warren is Melinda Warren’s cousin and ‘friend’ to Abigail Williams. She is a girl who serves as a housemaid to the family that Abigail once tended too. Really, she’s kind of in sense ‘cut off’ from the family in way, as she is unspoken of. Perhaps for her ‘denial’ to her magical destiny. She possesses the power of premonition and in a witch, but denies it in efforts to stay alive. A coward, unlike her cousin Melinda. Her male owner abuses her and hits her with a whip, [part of why she understands Abigail wanting to get him back ---- well the way Abigail put it as in revenge……Abigail really meant as in ‘lovers’ though as Mary will see later.] She’s a real gullible girl, which is why she is easily swayed by Abigail to harm her dearest cousin Melinda.

Melinda Prudence Halliwell
: After the births of Wyatt and Chris, Piper and Leo had a third child: their first daughter. As explained in "The Book of Three", Melinda is born when Chris is three-years-old, which could mean she was born in the year 2007. She was shown only in a short scene, being sent off to school with Wyatt and Chris, in one of the flashforward sequences at the very end of "Forever Charmed". The name "Melinda" appeared in one of the episode's casting scripts, but the name was not mentioned explicitly in the final episode. Other than the fact that she exists, there is little information about her.

Melinda Warren
: Melinda is the daughter of Charlotte, and grew up in the 17th century in Salem. There isn't a lot of information about her, but we do know that she had a lover named Matthew Tate, a warlock who betrayed her by revealing to the town that she was a witch. They burned her at the stake, even though she could have used her powers to save her own life, so that her daughter might be saved. She returned centuries later to help the Charmed Ones defeat Matthew Tate.

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Paige Matthews
: Born on August 2, 1977 after a secret love affair with her Whitelighter Samuel Wilder, the Charmed Ones' mother, Patty Halliwell, gave birth to a fourth daughter. Paige was put up for adoption because her parents' love was forbidden. Her personality is bold and vibrant, flirtatious, stubborn independant, intelligent and defiant. Paige's birth power was telekinesis, but because she was part Whitelighter this ability combined with her natural orbing to create telekinetic-orbing. She came into the craft quickly, aiding in the vanquish of The Source of All Evil. She is the youngest of the sisters and always wanted to be as good as Prue so how will she cope now that Prue the superwitch is back?

Patricia "Patty" Halliwell
: Patty Halliwell is the mother of the Charmed Ones, and a witch herself. She was killed by a water demon when Prue was around 5 or 6 years old, Piper was 3 or 4, and Phoebe was just 2. She had been divorced from her husband and the sisters' father, Victor Bennett for some time, and had taken up a relationship with her whitelighter, Sam. Their love produced a fourth sister, Paige, which the true Charmed Ones had no idea about, since Patty and Sam gave her up for adoption right after she was born.

Penelope "Penny" Johnson/Halliwell - Grams
: Penny is the grandmother of the Charmed Ones, sort of a surrogate parent after their father left and their mother, Patty, was killed by a demon. Penny was a powerful witch who died of a heart attack when the girls were in their twenties. After her death, their powers (that were bound) were made known to them, and the sisters officially became the Charmed Ones.

Phoebe Halliwell
: Phoebe, born November 2, 1975 was the original baby of the family and is a spontaneous, free-spirited young woman. The power she was born with was premonitions, which grew to enable her to see into the past as well as the future, later allowing the ability to project herself into the future; she later gained the powers of levitation which often combines with her martial arts skills, as well as the power of empathy but later lost the latter two. She is a romantic, and later became a successful columnist and author. Early on she often had a turbulent relationship with her older sister Prue, and later mediated between Piper and Paige. Her longest relationships were with Cole Turner for over a year, married him became Queen of all evil. Things got nasty. She killed him with her sisters and moved on . She currently resides with her husband Coop and her three daughters.

Piper Halliwell
: Piper was born on August 7, 1973, and was the middle child until Prue's death. She was most concerned with having a normal life, and always had reservations about her life as a Charmed One. When she first became a Charmed One she was quiet and reserved; often having to mediate between Prue and Phoebe. She gained a stronger persona and took more authority after Prue died. She eventually became a mother of two sons, Chris and Wyatt and a daughter, Melinda with her husband Leo Wyatt, and went to great lengths to protect her children. Her love of food steered her to a career in the culinary arts, which led her to own a club and it is still hip now. Still hunting demons under duress and running her club and family. She went off on her second honeymoon to come back with Leo to find Chris and Wyatt back from the future and a little chaos happening with the Elders and Prue being their whitelighter who later became and elder.

Prue Halliwell
: Born October 28, 1970, Prue was the eldest Halliwell sister. Born with the power of telekinesis, she later manifested an astral projection ability. Strong-willed, feisty and intelligent, she would often take charge of situations and had always been overprotective of her two sisters, Piper and Phoebe. Having spent her childhood taking care of her two younger sisters after the death of their mother, she became responsible, with a fierce determination at whatever she did, including fighting demons. Though at times Prue let pride dictate her way of handling things, she never let her personal life interfere with her work life. She was killed by Shax, a hired hitman sent by the Source. But she watched over her sisters and new sister Paige and has been brought back to the world again. Plus now that she is back what is her new destiny? Back with the Charmed Ones? A solo witch? Whitelighter? Why did they bring her back? Hidden motives? Plus she is the first witch to become a whitelighter. All sorts of new rules apply.

Prudence Bowen, Piper Baxter and Phoebe Russell
: (The Cousins)(The Charmed Ones' Past Lives): Although Prue, Piper, and Phoebe lived in the manor during the roaring '20's, they were not the tight-knit sisters we see presently. They were cousin witches, with powers very different from their current powers. Phoebe was turned evil by a shapeshifting warlock, convincing her to use her powers against her cousins so he could become more powerful. The past cousins put a curse on past Phoebe so that she would die on the same day in all her future lives, but the Charmed Ones skipped around in time in order to protect the good Phoebe from dying. This explains why Phoebe's power is an inactive one, since if a power is misused; a witch may regress and lose her abilities in present and future lives.

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Sam Wilder
: Sam is Paige's father and was Patty's whitelighter and lover. Patty's and Sam's story is similar to Leo's and Piper's, but with a different ending.

Sophie Jane Halliwell
: The youngest daughter of Phoebe and Coop and is a complete handful at only 12! Phoebe as well as Piper often worry that if she is this much of a wild child she might outdue Phoebe's wild side while growing up. She is known for getting in fights with her old sister, but the Charmed Ones know that is completely normal as while they were growing up things were the same.

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Victor Bennett
: Victor was Patty's husband, father to Prue, Piper and Phoebe. He left his family and years later came back. It was hard for the sisters to accept him, especially for Prue.

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Wyatt Matthew Halliwell
: Wyatt, the first child of Piper and Leo, was born to a prophecy that he is the 'twice-blessed child'. Born February 2, 2003, the day of the Wiccan Festival of Lights, he is gifted with much magical power, including being the heir to Excalibur. In an alternate future, Wyatt was kidnapped by the corrupted elder Gideon, and was, subsequently, raised evil. During his adult life he murdered his surviving aunt (Phoebe Halliwell - Paige Matthews had already been killed by the Titans, and the Power of Three was broken) and may have even been responsible for the death of his own parents. He later took over the manor, spread evil through it and tried to murder his brother, Christopher Halliwell, and killed Chris' fianceé, Bianca. Luckily, Chris was able to travel back in time, to before Wyatt's kidnapping, and managed to keep Wyatt pure and innocent. Leo Wyatt, their father, killed Gideon, and Wyatt grew to become a gentle and kind whitelighter-witch, who sacrifices his time in order to vanquish demons and warlocks and save innocents. 'Wyatt' was named after Leo Wyatt and 'Matthews' after Paige, who risked their lives to protect Wyatt.

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Source: MIW