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Tools Guide

The Book of Shadows

This is the main tool the sisters use. It’s full of information, spells, and potions to help the sisters vanquish demons and warlocks. Although it is mainly filled with information on evil, there is also information on neutral and good beings. The Book of Shadows doesn’t have every piece of information though, so the sisters sometimes add to it. It was started by Melinda Warren, and each generation of witches has added to it. The book is the sisters’ connection, if they are evil, the book is evil, it’s linked to them completely, and only a Charmed One can take it out of the house. The book also protects itself from evil allowing only good to touch it. The book can’t be photocopied.

Scrying Crystal and Map

The tool helps the sisters locate magical beings. They use a crystal on a chain and swing it over a map, and the crystal drops on what they are looking for. It helps to have something belong to the being you are trying to find. Wyatt has a lot of power over the crystal and can find things a lot quicker then others.

Potions Basket and Bowl

This is used to make potions. The sisters have about two of them, one in the attic, and one in the kitchen. They mix their ingredients into this bowl.

Candle and Paper

This is one of many ways you can cast spells. If you write the spell on paper and let it burn on the fire after saying the spell, it gives the spell more power to make it work.

Spirit Board

This board can help the sisters sometimes, although they rarely use it. Spirits or magical witches/beings can control the pointer to give them messages. The pointer moved on its own to spell out “Attic” to direct the sisters to the Book of Shadows. The board has an inscription on the back written by their mother, Patty, it goes: To my three beautiful girls may this give you the light to find the shadows. The power of three will set you free. Love Mom.

Potions Vile

This is used to put potions in. When the sisters chuck it at what ever they are using it against/on, the bottle smashes.

Source: MIW