Charmed: Dictionary
A collection of useful words when it comes to knowing Charmed ^-^
[ | A | ]
Altar: A table on which candles and other items are placed for use. All items needed for a spell/potion are here.
Apple: When it has a pentacle at its heart, with the addition of a laurel leaf, blocks the path of evil.
Astral plane: A realm of spirits and energy.
Athame: A ceremonial tool, a double edged steel knife that witches use to direct energy.
Auger Shell: Used to trap the immortality of a mermaid. It can kill if not used by an immortal being.
Aura: Energy a person has around themselves, depending on the mood or personality of a person, the colors may change.
[ | B | ]
Banish: To remove evil effects of magic from a being, thing; to send into exile
Bane: Another word for bad, evil, and destructive
Binding: A spell or ritual to prevent something from occurring
Book of Shadows (BOS): A magical book that contains spells passed down from generation to generation. This book is used for good and protects itself from evil.
Broom: Used to sweep evil from the path; used east to west as the sun travels with knowledge and reverence to connect with the power.
[ | C | ]
Charm: Either an amulet or talisman that has been charged by saying an incantation over it and instilling it with the energy for a specific task.
Chevrons: The mark that forms on the arm of a human who joins the demons academy. The more tasks they perform, the more chevrons they get. When they get their sixth mark, which is usually by killing an innocent, they graduate from the academy and become a full fledged demon.
Circle: A group of wiccans; those not in a coven
Conical Hat: A spiritual point that facilitates channeling magic, keeps the wearer focused and centered.
Consecration: Act of cleansing.
Coven: A group of witches who work together for magical endeavors or to perform religious ceremonies.
Craft: Witchcraft; magic or magic
Cross: Predates Christian times, when it was worn as an amulet to protect from evil, a jinx, and bad luck
Crystal Cage: Crystals can be used to entrap a demon if placed in a circle. The force field will contain a demon's powers.
[ | D | ]
Defeated: Being weakened and forced back into the underworld.
Dragon blade: A magical knife with the power to help human souls.
[ | E | ]
Embolic: Feb eve
Energy: The power within all beings and things natural.
Equinox: When the sun is positioned to produce equal hours of light and darkness; occurs twice a year
Eternal Spring: A stream of magical water that endows immortality and invincibility. Concealed in a rock, it's protected and can only be accused by nymphs.
[ | F | ]
Familiar: An animal that has a spiritual bond with a witch.
Family Protection Ring: Victor Bennett is saved from destruction by wearing the seventeenth century ring in "Thank You for Not Morphing." Twin gold bands twined together are inlaid with two chrysolite gems that symbolize the duality of man and woman. The Egyptians believed the green stones would protect against spells, curses, and evil spirits.
[ | G | ]
Glamour: A type of spell
Gram's Ring: The ring that Grams used when she was married 6 different times. After the sixth time she put a curse on the ring that would transform the wearer into a stereotypical 1950's housewife with the addition that they become black and white in color. This was done so that if she became engaged again, the ring would remind her of what she hated about marriage. The inscription on the ring reads; To gain another, to lose yourself.
Grimoire: The evil book of shadows. It is needed in The Source's coronation ceremony. It contains the rituals and spells of black magic. The pages are black, the script white. It protects itself from good and can't be destroyed. Leo buries the Grimoire deep in a West Andes mountain so that its evil powers may never be used again.
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[ | M | ]
Magic: The manipulation of natural energies for change or affect.
Magical Amulets: Amulets are two halves of an ancient charm. They cast a shield to protect against most evil demons. They are used for good only. If the two amulets are joined together the protection doubles becoming invincible. They need to be activated by a spell found in the BOS.
Magic School: A place where good magic is taught to children who have magical powers. An Elder named Gideon is the school's headmaster. Magic school is protected by magic and no one can be killed on the premises.
Manor: The Victorian house was rebuilt at 1329 Prescott Street after the original structure was destroyed in the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. The land is a Wiccan or Spiritual Nexus, which can be good or evil. The Halliwells moved in to claim the Nexus for good and to prevent evil from existing there.
Mask: Worn on Samhain or Halloween so one may walk among demons and spirits without being recognized.
Melinda Warren's Blessing Cup: Melinda drank from the cup on her wedding day, and Piper uses it as something old for her wedding.
Monkey Totem: Centuries ago, a sorcerer created a monkey to steal his enemies' senses, but the sorcerer mistreated the little fellow, so the monkey stole his master's voice and was turned into a wooden totem as punishment.
[ | N | ]
Ninja: Used as a poppet to cure Piper, the action:figure doll is animated by an awakening spell. It spreads Piper's deadly disease with the tip of its sword until the reversal spell turns it into a harmless toy.
[ | O | ]
Ouija/Spirit Board: A flat board with letters, numbers, and the words yes or no, when called on, spirits guide the pointer on the board to spell or select answers to questions. It is also known as a Ouija Board from the yes which translates as Oui in French and Ja in German thus spelling out Ouija.
[ | P | ]
Pentagram: A symbol of good energy until evil stole it; traditionally is a five:pointed star symbol that represents the four primal elements and spirit: used in spells and rituals
Personal gain: A witch isn't supposed to use her powers for her own gain. There will be consequences if he or she does.
Poignard: A dagger or knife
Poppet: A doll; representative of a specific person in rituals
Power of Gods: Mortals were given the power to defeat the Titans, but the power corrupted them and they declared themselves gods and made people worship them.
Power of Three: The combined powers of the Charmed Ones.
Primal Elements: The five elements of earth, fire, water, wood, and metal; traditionally there are four elements: air, earth, fire, and water with spirit as the fifth.
The Prophecy of the twice blessed child: An ancient verse was recovered from the tomb of an apothecary reading, " When three planets burn as one over a sky of dancing lights (aurora borealis), magic will rest on a holy day to welcome a twice blessed child. "
Pumpkins: Carved and lighted, will chase away evil spirits; traditionally used to light the way back to the other worlds so spirits can return on All Hallow's Eve.
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[ | R | ]
Ring of Inspiration: Was created to provide concentrated inspiration in times of need, the ring of inspiration allows the wearer to see, capture, and release muses.
Rune: Mystical symbolic writing, usually derived from the Greek 2. Something inscribed with such symbols.
[ | S | ]
Sabbat: Seasonal Wiccan festivals.
Samhain: Halloween
Scrying: A method that witches use to locate people or a place. Using a map, dangle a quartz crystal over the map and concentrate on what you are searching for. The crystal will eventually pull toward its location.
Séance : To perform this ritual you'll need six candles, white and purple in color and a white cloth. You will need to sweeten the air by burning cinnamon, frankincense, and sandalwood. As the fire burns, concentrate on contacting the spirit and chant the spell from the BOS.
Seer's Cage : Made of an unbreakable magic by thee Seer, the cage imprisoned the Tall Man for centuries. While no magic can escape the cage, it allows magic to enter. Once the Seer is vanquished, the cage loses its power.
The Seven Deadly Sins: To overcome the seven deadly sins you must commit a selfless act.
Pride: excessive belief in one's greatness
Lust: A craving for pleasures of the body.
Envy: Desire for what others possess.
Anger: Uncontrollable fury.
Gluttony: The desire to overly indulge.
Greed: Craving for material wealth.
Sloth: The avoidance of work.
Sprit: The knowledge, will, and character of an individual's immortal essence, existing within or separate from the physical body; 2. soul
[ | T | ] <
Talisman: Any object thought to have magical power; usually but not always used to repel evil.
Tarot: An ancient form of fortune telling using a deck of twenty:two pictorial cards of allegorical figures; the true depth of tarot cannot be defined in a few words.
Time loops: A period of time that repeats itself over and over again. A few magical beings are powerful enough to create time loops, such as Tempus.
Time Ripple: Whenever a destined event is destined event is prevented from happening, a ripple occurs in the infinite flow of time. It closes when the event plays out as originally intended, or when anyone traveling through a time ripple returns to their point of embarkation. All events taking place within the visual frame of reference when the ripple portal can be reviewed. Timepieces clock the movement of time outside the ripple.
Totem: A doll made of husks or other natural fibers; signifies the power and wisdom of women.
Trident: Weapon of the Greek gods, a three:pronged spear.
Triquetra: The Charmed Ones symbol representing three powers working as one.
[ | U | ]
Underworld: Demons or any evil hides there or lives there. Whitelighters can't sense a witch who is down there unless he to goes down there. The Source rules here.
Upper:level demon: They can only be vanquished by a potion from their own blood.
[ |V | ]
Valhalla: A heaven for the spirits of warriors where they are trained for the final world battle. Located on a secret island, one can only enter Valhalla undetected by using the pendent of a Valkyrie.
Vanquish: To be destroyed by a special potion.
[ | W | ]
Warlocks: They grow stronger with each generation and usually appear in human form. According to the BOS they are former witches who failed to follow the Wiccan Rede and now hurt and kill witches and steal their powers.
(from The Power of Three)
Witches and Warlocks: the Eternal Battle
The conflict between the sects originated at the dawn of time and is bound by the inherent differences between witches and warlocks. Oddly enough, warlocks were originally witches, making their inferiority complexes understandable. They are the bad seeds of the wicca world. As "witches gone bad," warlocks are determined to make their mark by torturing innocents. Another quest is to kill witches and steal their powers. Warlocks have also been known to form agreements with demons to further their goals. All of this is done in an effort to strengthen their own power to perform evil deeds.
Warlocks have been growing stronger and stronger with each generation.
Warlocks usually appear in human form. However, they can easily take on a monstrous demeanor. Unfortunately, it is difficult to recognize warlocks until they have revealed their evil powers.
Wheel of Being, Celtic: A design of four intertwining circles signifying the four elements in balance and connected.
Wicca: An alternate name for witchcraft. The practice and beliefs of Wicca date back to ancient times and formed the roots of the term witch in Old English. It is a positivism Earth:oriented, nature religion with ancient roots that are pre:Christian. It gloriously celebrates the life force, encourages spiritual growth, and includes seasonal rites to attune oneself to the beauty, magic and love of Mother Nature and Goddess Earth.
The Wiccaning: A ceremony is to be performed after the birth of a child by a matriarch of the family. This will bless the child in goodness and light so that if the child should ever stray from his or her path, they will be guided back to good. The next generation has been born into our family, our legacy. We pledge to be with this child always. Apart, but never separate, free, but never alone. She or he is one of us, and because of that, we will bless him or her, with all the goodness that we are. Welcome to the family, (name), Blessed Be.
The Wiccan Rede: Witches must follow a code called the Wiccan Rede: " An it harm none, do what ye will." If a witch doesn't follow this reed, and uses her magic to harm others, she will cross over to the dark side and become a warlock whose only goal is to kill good witches to obtain their powers.
Witch: A force of good. A man or woman who studies the craft and fights evil. A witch isn't evil, if a witch uses her power for evil it will rebound threefold.
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Yule: December 21
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